Lémanis SA

The operator of the Léman Express

Lémanis SA was founded on March 15, 2017 in Geneva by the parent firms CFF and SNCF. Lémanis, as the privileged interlocutor of the Léman Express organizing authority, is in charge of coordinating and accompanying the contractualization, offer planning, marketing, and communication of the Léman Express product. Lémanis guarantees the quality of its operation, production, and customer information as the operator of the Leman Express from the moment it enters service. Lémanis is in charge of customer service coordination.


The Lémanis team


Activity reports

Browse through our online activity reports since the beginning of the Leman Express in 2019.


Great Place To Work®

Lémanis SA a été certifié Great Place to Work® et se place parmi les entreprises suisses où il fait bon travailler. Grâce à une enquête auprès de ses collaborateurs et un Culture Audit™, Lémanis a pu évaluer ses points forts et ses potentiels d’amélioration. Cette certification est le reflet de l’engagement des collaborateurs. L’entreprise s’engage à développer des mesures concrètes pour améliorer sa culture d’entreprise.

UITP Award 2021

The tpg won the UITP Award 2021 in the category “Public and urban transport strategy” for the reorganization of their network for the arrival of the Léman Express.

FLUX 2022 mobility prize

The ATE (Association Transports et Environnement), CarPostal and UTP (Union des Transports Publics) have awarded the national FLUX 2022 prize to the city of Geneva for the new interchange at the Geneva-Eaux-Vives station.

Lémanis is also a member of


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